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Tips For Removing Cigarette Smoke Odor

remove smoke odorDo you ever wonder how to get rid of cigarette smoke odor in your home or car?As is often the case at Alpha Lifestyle Center, a client has introduced me to something that I believe other customers can benefit from: Ozium.remove smoke odor

What is Ozium?

Ozium is an aerosol air sanitizer. It was originally developed to combat airborne bacteria and germs in hospitals and health care facilities but it will effectively eliminate unpleasant odor anywhere it is sprayed. Traditional fragrance products just mask cigarette smoke odor.

How does Ozium work?

Ozium’s exclusive glycolized action dispenses microsized particles that linger and float in the air for up to 4 hours. The particles attach to airborne bacteria, odors and contaminants, killing those germs and eliminating odors and air pollution.

According to the Alpha Lifestyle Center customer who introduced me to this product, it is particularly effective at neutralizing cigarette and cigar smoke.

How should I use Ozium?

One suggestion for eliminating cigarette smoke odor in a vehicle is to Spray Ozium in your car overnight and leave the windows closed and repeat this process until the smoke smell disappears.

Where can I find it?

It appears to be sold in both spray and gel forms and contain optional scents like vanilla. Ozium can be found online and in major drug stores. It may also be sold in auto supply centers and car wash supply stores. A 3.5oz spray can be purchased for less than $5. Click here to be directed to for Ozium product listings.

How effective is it?

5-star reviews for popular product varieties on Amazon range from 75%-93%.

Is it safe?

Packaging for the product indicates that it is safe to use around children, food and pets. Like any product in this category, it is important to read the product warning label before use.

Are there other methods to get rid of smoke odor?

My research on Ozium and other methods for reducing the smell of cigarette smoke odor revealed that you can also use white vinegar by pouring it into a cup and putting it in the cup holder overnight to lessen or remove obnoxious and persistent cigarette smoke odor.

I came across another article while researching the topic of removing stale smoke odors. It lists ways to remove cigarette smoke smells from your car, and includes the following tips in addition to the vinegar tip previously mentioned: coffee grinds, dryer sheets, cinnamon sticks, citrus peel, charcoal, newspapers,cat litter


Quit smoking, of course! Logic will tell you that, but your addicted brain works to block those thoughts.

Please call for help to stop smoking – (888) 712-8882.

We also have a quit smoking supplement – click here.

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