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The Easiest Way To Quit Smoking

The easiest way to quit smoking is to be prepared to quit smoking. 

And that advice goes for about anything in life. 

So, how do you prepare to quit smoking? 

1.Make a commitment to figure it out (aka Drop the “try” to quit mentality)

2. Find someone to help who knows more about this stuff than you do

3. Talk to your doctor or quit specialist about using appropriate quit medications

4. Identify strategies for dealing with triggers, habits and associations

5. Recruit support from other smokers going through the exact same thing

6. Recruit support from former smokers who know how you feel

7. Start practicing quitting to create a vision for life as a nonsmoker

8. Have a Plan B and Plan C in place in case you experience side effects with meds or the need to add-on complimentary products 

9. Talk about fears, frustrations and sticking points with people who can help

10. Learn what strategies work and don’t work

11. Celebrate wins, big and small

12. Adjust plans/goals according to real-world experiences

13. Be patient and forgiving with yourself until quitting happens

14. Celebrate your freedom and inspire others with your story

THE EASIEST WAY TO QUIT SMOKING is to stop looking for an easy way to quit smoking and start working for it!

Smokers get out of quitting what they put into quitting.

My GET FIT TO QUIT Program Portal, Friends of Coach Kelly Private Facebook Group, weekly group Zoom calls and private coaching calls are how I help smokers “put into” quitting. 

There ARE people (maybe you know someone) who have muscled their way through quitting, against all odds, fighting tooth and nail, and came out on the winning side. 

Or maybe it just appears they got lucky or had it easy with quitting. 

However, more often than not, they will say “Not a day passes that I don’t long for a cigarette.” 


(Actually, it is one way. But it’s not the best way.)

I like to make sure my clients make a graceful exit from smoking. 

To do it on their own terms and (mostly) within their comfort zones. 

So that the ghosts from smoking’s past don’t constantly gnaw at them. 

That kind of freedom isn’t given to smokers. They have to earn it. 

Understanding that is part of the “easiest” way to quit smoking.