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We are a 2017 Best & Brightest in Wellness Winner!


Alpha Lifestyle Center has been named a 2017 Best & Brightest in Wellness Company!

The competition highlights companies and organizations that promote a culture of wellness, and those that plan, implement and evaluate efforts in organizational and employee wellness. Winning organizations were recognized at the annual symposium and awards gala on October 20, 2017 at The Henry in Dearborn.

More specifically, Best & Brightest winners are recognized in seven categories: Wellness Employers, Wellness Benefit Consultant Providers to Corporations, Wellness Providers to Corporations, Wellness Providers to Individuals, Faith-based Organizations, Schools and School Districts, and Nonprofit

Alpha Lifestyle Center was recognized in the category of Best & Brightest Wellness Providers to Corporations. After receiving the nomination we were required to complete a Wellness Survey:

  1. What is your mission and purpose?

Alpha Lifestyle Center exists to inspire and enhance the self-improvement efforts of our customers by offering a unique, alternative and comprehensive approach to nicotine addiction by pairing technology, education and experience with an exceptional level of quality and compassion in a single visit without pain, needles or drugs. Our dedication to this mission is designed to nurture long-term success for our customers and fuel our business growth through satisfied customer referrals.

  1. What specific programs do you offer?

We offer a multi-faceted single visit tobacco cessation program which involves an evaluation of past quit attempts/medication, motivational interviewing, addiction/physiology education, behavior modification consultation, supplementation/detoxification instructions and laser acupuncture. Our NO MORE BUTTS Employee Perk Program offers special perks to employees (AND family members) of registered organizations which are unavailable to them as individual customers. Participants are offered the selection of FREE laser for weight control ($75 value) or FREE supplements ($75), both of which are designed to enhance an individual’s experience with our program, and with quitting.

  1. What sets you apart from other wellness providers?

We are tobacco use disorder (TUD) specialists, not wellness specialists offering tobacco cessation on the side. We have a narrow focus and unique dedication to supporting individuals who are struggling with nicotine addiction. Traditional approaches to nicotine addiction address physical (drugs) OR psychological/emotional (quit lines, support groups) withdrawal; our program addresses both!

For employers: There are no contracts, costs or commitments to participate. Registration is simple and employees are eligible for the valuable perks whether or not an employer wishes to contribute financially. IF an employer has a budget for tobacco cessation, they will only be billed if the service is used. We can customize the type/amount of subsidy as well as billing options and caps to fit the needs of the company. Alpha Lifestyle Center was established over 30 years ago (Windsor, Ontario 1986). The program has evolved considerably since coming to Michigan in 2006 under the direction of a Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist.

For individuals: The non-laser component of this program was developed and is overseen by a Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist. There is simply no other program like Alpha Lifestyle Center and it is only getting better. Please visit our website at We will soon implement an online tool for customers to complete prior to their appointment. This alone will help motivate customers and improve their confidence in quitting; they will recognize the value of our program and benefit greatly from it before ever walking into their appointment.

  1. What is your greatest client case study?

On a corporate level, we have been working with Oakland County Government for nearly 5 years now. The original contract was extended and the subsidy amount has increased considerably over the course of the contract, presumably due to the success employees have experienced and the feedback that employees have provided.

As you might suspect, we see A LOT of skeptics, so with a 30-year company history you can imagine that we have a number of great individual case studies! Please refer to the Testimonials section of our website for personal accounts.

  1. How are you improving the health/wellness of your clients?

 Individual: Improved health, improved self-esteem, improved relationships, better image, more energy, more money

Corporate: Reduced healthcare costs, lower absenteeism, improved morale, improved image, improved productivity

  1. How do you provide/show ROI/VOI for your clients?

We offer special perks to employees which are unavailable to individuals at NO COST TO EMPLOYERS. Traditional tobacco cessation resources require an investment to participate. Employers who do choose to invest in this program (fully or partially) can measure return via increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs and reduced absenteeism, among other things. Reduced tobacco use within organizations also improves corporate image. Employees who are tobacco users will feel valued when their employer identifies new resources to encourage a healthier lifestyle.

  1. How do you measure client feedback and success?

We send a Third Party survey to clients ~2 weeks post-treatment to evaluate their smoking status and various other measures of our program. Data from the most recent 100 respondents: 87% report being nonsmokers; 95% would recommend us to others. Interestingly, a higher % are Likely To Recommend us than report being Nonsmokers, which is meaningful.

We execute third-party follow-up surveys but since our data is not obtained “scientifically,” regulations frown upon us promoting our success rate. We are extremely proud of our success rate but we rely instead on satisfied customers to help us grow.

  1. What is your client retention rate?

Individuals: We hope only to see clients once. Despite efforts to equip customers for long-term success, relapse is a reality of addiction. We are pleased to report that it is not uncommon to see a client on a return visit after a relapse has occurred. We would much rather see referrals than repeat customers, but it is a testament to the value of our program when clients return for our services, sometimes even again and again.

Corporate: We continue to do business with organizations who we have done business with us in the past. We have only recently introduced our NO MORE BUTTS Employee Perk Program, so we look forward to building ongoing relationships with larger organizations.

  1. What else would you like to share with us?

30 years ago in Windsor, Ontario, Alpha Lifestyle Center was a laser stop smoking clinic. Since then, the program has evolved considerably.  Alpha Lifestyle Center is now a quit smoking program with a laser component. Skeptics welcome!  We see it regularly and enjoy the challenge. In fact, there is no need to “recommend” our program to employees. Organizations can register and “inform” employees about our NO MORE BUTTS Employee Perk Program with absolutely nothing to lose. Nicotine addiction is complicated and tobacco users need options; we believe we have a place among the traditional ones, especially for progressive, innovative and forward thinking organizations. We are confident that employees who use our service will have positive things to report back to their organizations about us. We are also confident that we will provide a more thorough and customized tobacco cessation encounter than previously ever experienced with a physician or pharmacist.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us and to better understand our contributions to the field of tobacco dependence.

Congratulations to all of the nominated companies and winners for their contributions in wellness and for creating healthier work forces and communities.

Click here for a complete list of winners.