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Quit Smoking Specialist Improves Quit Rates

Research shows it will take an average of 6-8 quit attempts to quit smoking entirely. Most smokers wishing to quit will set a quit date, wake up the morning of the quit date and hope things go well. They probably won’t. Time with a quit smoking advisor? None..

Nicotine Replacement Therapies are now available over-the-counter to help individuals quit smoking. Time with quit smoking advisor? None.

On another quit attempt, a physician may prescribe a medication to be filled at a pharmacy to help a patient quit smoking. Time with a quit smoking advisor? None.

A new study from the Journal of Smoking Cessation validates that the resource of time is the sole key influential predictor of patient outcomes in smoking cessation. The results of this study are not surprising; of all the factors studied (level of training, years of practice, level of education, number of patients supported, smoking status), the ability of a smoker to quit was most strongly linked to the amount of time spent with a quit smoking specialist.

Countless other studies have confirmed the importance of counseling (in combination with other strategies), but this study determined that the amount of time spent with a counselor/specialist, above other factors, is critical.

This is great news for Alpha Lifestyle Center and for smokers who are considering using our approach to help them quit smoking. Why? Because our clients spend 1-1.5 hours at their appointment with a quit smoking specialist!  The purpose of this time together is to educate, evaluate, motivate and inspire; none of which can be accomplished with a prescription pad or nicotine patch.

I am not criticizing prescription medications or NRT’s as valid methods to help people quit smoking but, alone, they are not enough. This study reinforces the need and importance for adequate time to be spent delivering smoking cessation interventions.