Why is quitting smoking such a draaaaag?



Although quitting smoking is one of the best decisions you can make for you health, it is not an easy task and often comes with a great deal of discomfort. Withdrawal symptoms and side effects from Nicotine Replacement Therapies and Drugs can dampen your determination to kick the habit.

Alpha Lifestyle Center of Birmingham offers laser therapy for the treatment of nicotine addiction, designed to minimize (and sometimes even eliminate) the side effects/withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping nicotine use (cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, nicotine gum, patches, inhalers). Laser treatment to quit smoking is a unique and comprehensive alternative to traditional methods without pain, needles, drugs or side effects.

When quitting smoking, many different areas of your body are affected, especially moods and emotions. Irritation and depression are common when quitting smoking as is difficulty in focusing on even the simplest of tasks. Click Here for some great information about the challenges of quitting smoking, the rationale for withdrawal symptoms and additional tips for managing the temporary discomfort of nicotine withdrawal.