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National Certificate in Tobacco Treatment


Tobacco Treatment Specialist and owner of Alpha Lifestyle Center, Kelly Lewis, has been awarded the National Certificate in Tobacco Treatment Practice (NCTTP) on behalf of NAADAC, the Association for Addiction Professionals, and the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD).

This national certificate was created to standardize and unify competencies, knowledge, and skills on a national level. The NCTTP provides unified recognition that Kelly has successfully completed a rigorous training program and obtained a significant amount of experience in the field. By obtaining the NCTTP, Kelly has demonstrated her advanced education in evidence-based tobacco competencies, skills, and practice to employers, third-party payers, and clients.

Why is this so important? Because it further differentiates our business from any other nicotine addiction resource available. Alpha Lifestyle Center is the combination of both traditional and alternative strategies to help you kick the habit. Nowhere will you find a more unique or comprehensive approach to quitting smoking (or chewing, vaping, eCigs, cigars, hookah).

This Certificate is more evidence of our continued efforts to help you quit. Our program has never remained stagnant. We are never satisfied that we have achieved everything that we can. The latest addition to our program includes an interactive, online session. You will receive a link to this exercise with your appointment confirmation.