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The #1 Reason Smokers Smokers Don’t Quit

I’ve been wanting to lose ~20 lbs. as long as I can remember. 

Since high school, anyway.

That’s 35 years I’ve been saying I want to lose weight!

But…I know I haven’t done what’s necessary to achieve it.

It hasn’t been important ENOUGH to invest in a personal trainer, avoid high fat foods or eliminate alcohol, for example.

And I don’t blame my failure to lose weight on other overweight individuals in my life, on the failure of weight control products and services or because of the stress in my life.. 

I own it.

I haven’t lost weight because losing weight hasn’t been important ENOUGH for me to be uncomfortable, emotionally or physically.

Sure, I’ve toyed around with simple changes, hoping that the secret to losing weight might be easy and manageable (and still allow for nachos).

But nope! Turns out, it’s going to take motivation, discipline and commitment.

So, the question I ask myself is “What would motivate me to lose weight?”

I suppose if Neiman Marcus offered up a lifetime wardrobe in a size 8 I might be motivated.

But that’s not on the table.

The truth is that losing weight isn’t important ENOUGH for me to do what is necessary to achieve it.

And I’m not lying to myself (or anybody else) about that.

So what’s the #1 reason women don’t quit smoking? 

It’s the exact same reason. 

Quitting smoking hasn’t become important ENOUGH to be uncomfortable, emotionally or physically.

So what will motivate smokers to quit? 

Heart attack, stroke, COPD and cancer come to mind. 

Research shows those events are associated with the highest quit rates.

And those are all on the table for smokers. (Unlike my Neiman Marcus fantasy).

My goal is to motivate smokers to quit before their backs are up against a wall like that. 

My free online Masterclass is how I do that 👉

For highly motivated smokers who “connect” with my message, my theories, my style and my approach, an invitation to work together (professionally) is inside. 

More time to think about quitting is the problem I help smokers solve with my process. 

And the heavy burden of not doing anything can be over in just 30 minutes from now. 


Coach Kelly

Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist (and former smoker, btw)