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Question: How Do You Quit Smoking Cigarettes?

This was a question posted to Quora. Below was my response to the post.

The best tool(s) in the world will not be effective for someone who hasn’t practiced and prepared for quitting. Statistically, none of them will work on the 1st through 5th tries. Traditional proven methods (NRT’s, Rx’s) get a bad rap because 1) they are generally used incorrectly and for an inadequate length of time and 2) proper coaching and planning in combination with these drugs is generally overlooked*.

*For this same reason, I suspect that laser therapy to quit smoking has received criticism. This method is rarely (exception: Alpha) paired with proven counseling and education by a quit coach.

By Failing To Prepare, You Are Preparing To Fail-Benjamin Franklin

If you have never quit before, PLAN for your quit. What will you do to resist an urge? Who will you tell about quitting? What will people notice about you not smoking? What type of social support to you have? What concerns you most about quitting and how will you trouble-shoot that?

Whatever you do, don’t rely solely on some “tool.” Medications, hypnosis, laser therapy, supplements and books; they’re only as good as your preparation for using them. No tool can do the quitting part for you. The best golf clubs in the world, for example, will be no help if you have not learned how to golf!  The best personal trainer in the world cannot do your sit-ups for you. Quitting is hard; be ready to do the work if you want a successful outcome.

Practice quitting. Maybe eliminate your first cig of the day for a week and see how that goes. Do you think you could shoot for a 24-hour quit? Maybe tell a few friends or coworkers that you are thinking about quitting smoking and see how that feels?

The time you spend researching and working to identify proper resources is also great preparation; part of building your “quit resume,” as I like to call it.

I Feel Prepared For My Quit. Now What?

Obviously, I recommend Alpha Lifestyle Center for Nicotine Addiction. I am a former smoker and a Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist. I pair my expertise with a 30-year old laser acupuncture program from Windsor, but I would never generally recommend laser therapy for quitting smoking to anybody. I would only recommend it as a “tool” when paired with appropriate coaching and planning by an individual specially trained in tobacco dependence, as with my company.

Conclusion: the tool is not as important as the preparation.

Please take some time to read our website Testimonials, Google Reviews and Facebook Recommendations. There, you will notice that the comments do not exclusively favor the laser treatment. Rather, a lot of credit is the “program” and “support.” This is what makes Alpha Lifestyle Center unique. We are not touting the tool/laser treatment so much as we are emphasizing the importance of the non-laser aspects of our program, which is where we shine. No other program can catch us or, sadly, even seems to be trying. I cannot say this without exception, but I have yet to discover a laser stop smoking program anywhere in the world that employs a Certified Tobacco Treatment specialist. I certainly haven’t found a quit smoking program that goes much beyond a laser treatment to support tobacco users who are struggling to quit.

Traditional counseling and coaching are delivered in a hospital or community setting. I don’t think I’m out of line stating that these classes can be dull; the recommendations-unrealistic; the staff-unenthused. I am not saying that traditional smoking cessation classes are ineffective (coaching is a proven method), just that they aren’t very appealing or customized to the individual participants. No program is effective for people who don’t care to use it.

As a smoker, you will also gain a lot by reading my blog and visiting our Youtube page. There is a surplus of information to support you on this journey, which has nothing to do specifically with my business or with using our program.

Please check back with us later this year as we prepare to launch a longer-term, more intensive coaching program to complement our standard laser acupuncture program. The Enhanced Preparation Program is designed for tobacco users who are struggling with motivation for quitting and/or confidence in their ability to quit.

Good luck!