What is the Pavlok?
The Pavlok is a $200 shock bracelet sold on Amazon that is used with a smartphone app.
“The idea is simple, if you’re honest and give yourself a shock every time you have a craving, you’ll start to associate that craving with pain and crave it less. “
“There’s a real power in using a little bit of pain to break bad habits.” -Pavlok Inventor
How does it work?
This simple idea, originated from one of the most significant studies in behavioral psychology. Russian physiologist, Ivan Pavlov, became renowned for identifying the relationship between two events often referred to a classical conditioning. You may be more familiar with the term, Pavlov’s Dogs.
If you have been through our program, this strategy should sound very familiar. Our customers leave their appointment equipped with a heavy, black rubber band and are instructed to pull it back and give it a good snap at the thought of, or craving for, a cigarette. When the brain receives the unpleasant sting repeatedly when the thought of smoking occurs, it will work to suppress those thoughts to avoid pain.

Does it actually work?
I imagine the emphasis we put on this simple Relapse Prevention Techniques goes ignored by some customers. This is really concerning considering that it is the most scientifically proven component of our program! Coaching, counseling and education are next, followed by the laser therapy (laser acupuncture) treatment.
This is not to dismiss the value of the laser treatment to quit smoking; just to highlight the importance of behavior modification techniques. Our laser stop smoking program has a 30+ year history, dating back to Windsor, Ontario 1986. The LASER is great! But a laser acupuncture treatment alone does not make a quit smoking “program.”
Best when used as part of a comprehensive strategy for quitting smoking.
The program works if you work the program. A significant part of you working the program is setting up your brain to play on your team, instead of against you. How do you do that? A rubber band. Yes, a rubber band is a big part of a successful strategy. Do not underestimate the value of something so simple. And do not overpay for a high-tech gadget when you can get the same results with a household item.
There are endless possibilities for using a rubber band to change habits or behaviors. If you are trying to quit smoking; eat less chocolate or fewer cheeseburgers; using profanity or texting exes, you need a rubber band. The key to successful behavior change is deliberately recognizing the threat (dangerous thought) and ACTING on it to re-route the thought. Snapping a rubber band accomplishes it.
Are you struggling to quit smoking?
If you are a tobacco user and you are having trouble kicking the habit, Alpha Lifestyle Center for Nicotine Addiction can help.
The owner is a former smoker and Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist with 13 years of experience helping individuals break a dependency on nicotine products.
Part of our approach involves an in-office appointment on your quit date which includes a painless laser acupuncture treatment.
Learn more about us on YouTube.
You can also find us on Facebook.
Call 1-888-712-8882 for more information.