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Laser Therapy Reviews-Quit Smoking

Groupon Customer Reviews

I recently came across this screenshot while I was cleaning out folders on my desktop. The image has feedback from customers who found us on Groupon years ago.  It made me smile. And not just because the laser therapy reviews were overwhelmingly positive.

Laser therapy reviews from 2012? Really?

If you look closely, you will notice that this feedback is from 2012. Why is that important or relevant today when the feedback is so dated? For one, the staff at Alpha Lifestyle Center for Nicotine Addiction hasn’t changed much. This means the quality of the personnel hasn’t declined. In fact, it has improved significantly since then, if I don’t say so myself😊. We enjoy membership in very active professional organizations including ATTUD. I received my initial certification as a Tobacco Treatment Specialist at Mayo Clinic through the Nicotine Dependence Center in 2015. I have also acquired the National Certificate in Tobacco Treatment Practice by NAADAC/ATTUD.

The laser therapy reviews from this subgroup are also particularly meaningful because these customers found us on Groupon. That means a couple of things. 1) They received our program at a steeply discounted rate, which may have attracted less motivated quitters and 2) They were not referred and inspired by a former customer. Most clients we see have the benefit of knowing another who has experienced success with our program. This improves a client’s confidence in their own ability to quit and their trust in us to help them.

What has changes since 2012?

Finally, a LOT has changed since 2012 at Alpha Lifestyle Center. The program improvements and updates are numerous. Since 2012 we have undergone 2 website redesigns, produced a 2nd edition of the customer video, developed a private label supplement (Alpha Accelerator) and launched an online intake form.

If our program was able to receive a 95% satisfaction rate in 2012 , we hope you are confident that we are even better prepared today to support you or your friends, family members and co-workers who are ready to kick the habit! We hope you also notice that none of the comments from the laser therapy review are even about laser stop smoking treatment, but rather the very human aspect of our approach.

Call us. We can help you.

Laser therapy reviews are great, but if you are looking to break a dependency on nicotine products (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, eCigs or vape pens) please call us at 1-888-712-8882. Will are happy to answer any of your question and help you determine if our program is appropriate for you.

Please don’t wait to quit smoking (or chewing or vaping) until another Groupon comes out. We haven’t done that in 7 years and we are not likely to do it again in the future.

Also, we will soon be posting about current satisfaction rates. Stay tuned.