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I Don’t Want To Quit; I Enjoy Smoking

Of course you think you enjoy smoking. You need it to feel normal. That’s what a drug dependency means; you depend on it to function or feel normal. But claiming to “enjoy” smoking, in my opinion, is just addict code for “I know quitting is going to be hard and I’m not up for the task,” or “I don’t really think I CAN quit.” It doesn’t feel good to say it that way, so “I don’t want to quit, I enjoy it” rolls off the tongue a bit easier. 

Would anybody really prefer to be a smoker over a nonsmoker if it came down to clicking a button, “Smoker” or “Non-smoker?” Of course not! Really think about it. If you didn’t have to do the work and there wasn’t any physical or emotional struggle associated with quitting, would you choose “smoker?” I doubt it. 

Smoking is relief; not pleasure

The seemingly pleasurable feeling that you experience when you light up isn’t pleasure at all. It’s relief; relief from an unsatisfied state caused by declining nicotine levels. This means that you don’t smoke for enjoyment; you smoke to satisfy your body’s need for nicotine. The act of smoking is an escape from the discomfort you created by beginning to smoke in the first place.

Nicotine addiction has manipulated your brain into believing that smoking is something pleasurable. This is because you have been pairing the act of smoking with something pleasurable like a break, time-out or escape from something unpleasant for years.

Who would “enjoy” smoking?

Has anybody ever wished to discover such an activity as in, “I wonder if there’s something out there that’s really expensive, horribly addictive, deadly, stinky, isolating and will make me less attractive to others?” Of course not!

If by quitting smoking you believe you are giving up something that is pleasurable, then that’s depressing! If, instead, you can frame it logically as breaking a dependency on an expensive, inconvenient, dangerous and deadly drug, it will be a lot easier to let go. Nicotine addiction doesn’t sound very pleasurable, does it?

You are in a toxic relationship

When you quit smoking, you are ending a toxic relationship with nicotine. It will hurt some and even try to pull you back time and again. If you have ever ended a toxic relationship in the past and returned to it thinking things would be different, you already know how returning to smoking will end.

Cigarettes will never be affordable, healthy, convenient or attractive. Agreed? Heed this warning and pay close attention to relapse prevention strategies you will learn at Alpha Lifestyle Center for Nicotine Addiction.

Relationships are complicated and break-ups are hard. Nobody wishes to be controlled; it’s unhealthy. Stop letting nicotine control you and think about the freedom you will experience by making a break. You know it’s time to say goodbye. Don’t let junkie thinking soften your resolve. You can do this!

Need help with quitting smoking?

Both of our programs generally requires just a single visit, so even if you have a longer distance to travel, we can still help you!

Unsure if you’re ready to quit smoking? We can help you get there, too. Mindset is a strong predictor of success, and our E’s Into Quitting combination quit system can help you achieve a positive/optimistic mindset about quitting. 

Alpha Lifestyle Center for Nicotine Addiction                                                                                                                                                32000 Woodward Ave., Royal Oak MI 48073

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