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Cloud Chasing & Professional Vaping

Cloud Chasing1 Cloud Chasing, sometimes referred to as extreme vaping, is recognized worldwide as a sport whose “athletes” are professional vapers who customize electronic cigarettes and compete to produce large plumes of vapor.

Cloud blowing contests are referred to as Cloud Competitions. Spectators of this sport are referred to as Cloud Gazers. Two major Cloud Competitions in the US are the International Cloud Championships in California, and the World Series of Vape, in Las Vegas. Prize money for such competition currently reaches up to $2000!

Interestingly, most Cloud Chasers do not use nicotine or propylene glycol, and instead choose mixtures that use higher amounts of glycerin to produce larger plumes of vapor.

Many cloud chasers even credit the sport with motivating them to quit smoking for two reasons; 1) time and focus is taken from their smoking habit and transferred to developing customized devices to improve vaping performance and 2) a need to improve lung health in order to be competitive in the sport.

On the downside, criticisms directed at average e-cigarette users are on the rise because of an increasing amount of public vaping and excessive volume of vaping clouds being released in public by these athletes in training.

When I first heard of Cloud Chasing (an hour or two ago), I gasped at the tomfoolery of the sport. When I watched my first Youtube video about it, I thought I was watching a Saturday Night Live skit. And then I remembered being a teenager and young adult myself. I began thinking of the countless things I did to entertain myself or to try to be cool (including smoking cigarettes) that would have drawn similar criticism.

But what concerns me are the potential dangers of explosions associated with vaping and e-cigarette use. As I understand it, most of the reported explosions, injuries and deaths reported by e-cigarette users resulted from using products (batteries, chargers) other than those recommended by the manufacturer. But, if Cloud Chasing is encouraging creative thinking and unconventional methods to bolster the size/density of clouds, I think high-risk behavior is being encouraged; and that should be concerning. Admittedly, I don’t know much about this subject-I only just started researching Cloud Chasing.

As I reflect, I suspect the activity/sport of vaping is simply evidence of a new generation of young people being young people. I just hope the dangers and risks of being young people aren’t on the rise; they were high enough back when I was one of them.

Information taken from Cloud Chasing 101 Part 1

9 Factors of Cloud Chasing

  • Battery Safety
  • Air Flow
  • Type of Juice
  • Type of Mod
  • Type of Atomizer/Dripper
  • Body Posture, inhale/exhale technique
  • Wicking (?)
  • Coil Build
  • Genetics