Caffeine Considerations When Quitting SmokingPost author:Kelly LewisPost published:April 23, 2015Post category:In the Community Continue ReadingCaffeine Considerations When Quitting Smoking
Certified Tobacco Treatment SpecialistPost author:Kelly LewisPost published:April 21, 2015Post category:Tobacco Treatment Specialist Continue ReadingCertified Tobacco Treatment Specialist
What the………..Hookah?Post author:Kelly LewisPost published:April 10, 2015Post category:In the Community Continue ReadingWhat the………..Hookah?
Innovative Nicotine Addiction ProgramPost author:Kelly LewisPost published:April 7, 2015Post category:In the Community Continue ReadingInnovative Nicotine Addiction Program
Quitting Smoking For LentPost author:Kelly LewisPost published:February 22, 2012Post category:In the Community Continue ReadingQuitting Smoking For Lent
Breathalyzer for Lung Cancer?Post author:Kelly LewisPost published:February 22, 2012Post category:In the Community Continue ReadingBreathalyzer for Lung Cancer?
Holidays: A Time To Quit SmokingPost author:Kelly LewisPost published:November 23, 2011Post category:In the Community Continue ReadingHolidays: A Time To Quit Smoking
Smoker’s Face caused by…..Smoking!Post author:Kelly LewisPost published:July 5, 2011Post category:In the Community Continue ReadingSmoker’s Face caused by…..Smoking!
Confirmed….Smoking is the leading cause of statistics!Post author:Kelly LewisPost published:June 2, 2011Post category:In the Community Continue ReadingConfirmed….Smoking is the leading cause of statistics!
Why is quitting smoking such a draaaaag?Post author:Kelly LewisPost published:May 10, 2011Post category:In the Community Continue ReadingWhy is quitting smoking such a draaaaag?