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Addictionary: A Glossary of Substance Use Disorder & Addiction Terms

The purpose of this blog is to introduce a Glossary of Substance Use Disorder Terminology developed by Recovery Research Institute titled Addictionary. The glossary includes terms that we use at Alpha Lifestyle Center when discussing nicotine addiction. However, the collection of terms is largely applied to substance use disorders outside of nicotine addiction (alcohol, painkillers/opioids, cocaine, benzodiazepines).

I took the time to review the entire glossary. I learned new terms, refreshed myself on some familiar terms, and I also was corrected about my understanding of others. You can visit the Addictionary here.

We have all been affected, in one way or another, by substance use/abuse. In this way, I don’t believe the value of this resource would be lost on anybody. Education, understanding and empathy around substance use disorders is lacking by providers, peers, relatives and employers. I encourage everybody to skim through this resource and  share it with others who may benefit from learning more about the language of addiction.

My professional experience working with persons suffering from a substance use disorder* is limited to helping individuals who are struggling to end a dependency on nicotine products (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, eCigs, vaping, JUUL, hookah and nicotine replacements). Sine nicotine is generally accepted as the MOST POWERFUL addiction, it isn’t unusual for clients to report of history of other dependencies. Consequently, addiction terminology often enters our discussions.

*you will notice that the Addictionary puts a great emphasis on replacing the terms “abuser or addict” with “person suffering from a dependency on (fill in the blank).”  There is a real shift toward humanizing (vs. demonizing) substance use/abuse; effective treatment models appear to recognize this. The Addictionary refers to this as “person first” language.

I hope to continue this post in a series of subsequent posts highlighting different terms from the Addictionary.,I will select terms that relate most closely to the customers we see and Alpha Lifestyle Center, and to the work we do here. Here is a preview of the terms I plan to cover in the series:




Drug Dream

Gateway Hypothesis

Harm Reduction

Micro Discrimination

Person-First Language





Relapse Prevention

Stages of Change Model


